When we talk about food allergies, it's usually the serious issues. But there is an amusing aspect, and that's the lengths we are driven to forage for safe food.
A case point is what happened with our local allergy support group a couple of days ago.
An eagle-eyed member noted that K-Mart was selling Kinnerton chocolate - and at only $4. For those of you not in the know, Kinnerton chocolate is the Holy Grail of chocolate for people with milk or peanut allergy. It used to be stocked in some of the main supermarkets but this stopped earlier this year, leaving us high and dry. And one bar usually costs close to $7 a bar.
Another member was so determined not to miss this deal that she got her kids up at the crack of dawn, dropped them off at the school gate right on opening time, and then sped across town to get to K-Mart before any other similarly motivated people got there before her. She managed to get a good stash of bars, and kindly left a few behind, but I suspect she has since called all other K-Marts to grab the same deal!
A couple of Easters ago I had a similar adrenaline-pumping experience when I discovered there were some huge Easter eggs available - again from K-Mart. Like most other allergy-affected families, Easter has never been a chocolate indulgence due to the fact there is very little available. So I was beside myself with excitement to think that my daughter would finally have a giant Easter egg. Unfortunately, they had all sold out — except for one right in the heart of Manukau. The store would not hold it, so my husband was despatched to complete the mission. It was a very anxious wait in case some other allergy folk got their dirty little hands on it. Mission, however, was accomplished.
What are some of the lengths you have gone through to get a particular food or to check whether it is safe?
PS It is somewhat sad to think of the excitement we go through when we discover a new food available to us!